Source code for memcnn.models.additive

import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import copy
from torch import set_grad_enabled

[docs]class AdditiveCoupling(nn.Module): def __init__(self, Fm, Gm=None, implementation_fwd=-1, implementation_bwd=-1, split_dim=1): """ This computes the output :math:`y` on forward given input :math:`x` and arbitrary modules :math:`Fm` and :math:`Gm` according to: :math:`(x1, x2) = x` :math:`y1 = x1 + Fm(x2)` :math:`y2 = x2 + Gm(y1)` :math:`y = (y1, y2)` Parameters ---------- Fm : :obj:`torch.nn.Module` A torch.nn.Module encapsulating an arbitrary function Gm : :obj:`torch.nn.Module` A torch.nn.Module encapsulating an arbitrary function (If not specified a deepcopy of Fm is used as a Module) implementation_fwd : :obj:`int` Switch between different Additive Operation implementations for forward pass. Default = -1 implementation_bwd : :obj:`int` Switch between different Additive Operation implementations for inverse pass. Default = -1 split_dim : :obj:`int` Dimension to split the input tensors on. Default = 1, generally corresponding to channels. """ super(AdditiveCoupling, self).__init__() # mirror the passed module, without parameter sharing... if Gm is None: Gm = copy.deepcopy(Fm) self.Gm = Gm self.Fm = Fm self.implementation_fwd = implementation_fwd self.implementation_bwd = implementation_bwd self.split_dim = split_dim if implementation_bwd != -1 or implementation_fwd != -1: warnings.warn("Other implementations than the default (-1) are now deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) def forward(self, x): args = [x, self.Fm, self.Gm] + [w for w in self.Fm.parameters()] + [w for w in self.Gm.parameters()] if self.implementation_fwd == 0: out = AdditiveBlockFunction.apply(*args) elif self.implementation_fwd == 1: out = AdditiveBlockFunction2.apply(*args) elif self.implementation_fwd == -1: x1, x2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=self.split_dim) x1, x2 = x1.contiguous(), x2.contiguous() fmd = self.Fm.forward(x2) y1 = x1 + fmd gmd = self.Gm.forward(y1) y2 = x2 + gmd out =[y1, y2], dim=self.split_dim) else: raise NotImplementedError("Selected implementation ({}) not implemented..." .format(self.implementation_fwd)) return out def inverse(self, y): args = [y, self.Fm, self.Gm] + [w for w in self.Fm.parameters()] + [w for w in self.Gm.parameters()] if self.implementation_bwd == 0: x = AdditiveBlockInverseFunction.apply(*args) elif self.implementation_bwd == 1: x = AdditiveBlockInverseFunction2.apply(*args) elif self.implementation_bwd == -1: y1, y2 = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=self.split_dim) y1, y2 = y1.contiguous(), y2.contiguous() gmd = self.Gm.forward(y1) x2 = y2 - gmd fmd = self.Fm.forward(x2) x1 = y1 - fmd x =[x1, x2], dim=self.split_dim) else: raise NotImplementedError("Inverse for selected implementation ({}) not implemented..." .format(self.implementation_bwd)) return x
class AdditiveBlock(AdditiveCoupling): def __init__(self, Fm, Gm=None, implementation_fwd=1, implementation_bwd=1): warnings.warn("This class has been deprecated. Use the AdditiveCoupling class instead.", DeprecationWarning) super(AdditiveBlock, self).__init__(Fm=Fm, Gm=Gm, implementation_fwd=implementation_fwd, implementation_bwd=implementation_bwd) class AdditiveBlockFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, xin, Fm, Gm, *weights): """Forward pass computes: {x1, x2} = x y1 = x1 + Fm(x2) y2 = x2 + Gm(y1) output = {y1, y2} Parameters ---------- ctx : torch.autograd.Function The backward pass context object x : TorchTensor Input tensor. Must have channels (2nd dimension) that can be partitioned in two equal partitions Fm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Fm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape Gm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Gm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape *weights : TorchTensor weights for Fm and Gm in that order {Fm_w1, ... Fm_wn, Gm_w1, ... Gm_wn} Note ---- All tensor/autograd variable input arguments and the output are TorchTensors for the scope of this function """ # check if possible to partition into two equally sized partitions assert(xin.shape[1] % 2 == 0) # nosec # store partition size, Fm and Gm functions in context ctx.Fm = Fm ctx.Gm = Gm with torch.no_grad(): x = xin.detach() # partition in two equally sized set of channels x1, x2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1) x1, x2 = x1.contiguous(), x2.contiguous() # compute outputs fmr = Fm.forward(x2) y1 = x1 + fmr x1.set_() del x1 gmr = Gm.forward(y1) y2 = x2 + gmr x2.set_() del x2 output =[y1, y2], dim=1) ctx.save_for_backward(xin, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # pragma: no cover # retrieve weight references Fm, Gm = ctx.Fm, ctx.Gm # retrieve input and output references xin, output = ctx.saved_tensors x = xin.detach() x1, x2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1) GWeights = [p for p in Gm.parameters()] # partition output gradient also on channels assert grad_output.shape[1] % 2 == 0 # nosec with set_grad_enabled(True): # compute outputs building a sub-graph x1.requires_grad_() x2.requires_grad_() y1 = x1 + Fm.forward(x2) y2 = x2 + Gm.forward(y1) y =[y1, y2], dim=1) # perform full backward pass on graph... dd = torch.autograd.grad(y, (x1, x2 ) + tuple(Gm.parameters()) + tuple(Fm.parameters()), grad_output) GWgrads = dd[2:2+len(GWeights)] FWgrads = dd[2+len(GWeights):] grad_input =[dd[0], dd[1]], dim=1) return (grad_input, None, None) + FWgrads + GWgrads class AdditiveBlockInverseFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(cty, y, Fm, Gm, *weights): """Forward pass computes: {y1, y2} = y x2 = y2 - Gm(y1) x1 = y1 - Fm(x2) output = {x1, x2} Parameters ---------- cty : torch.autograd.Function The backward pass context object y : TorchTensor Input tensor. Must have channels (2nd dimension) that can be partitioned in two equal partitions Fm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Fm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape Gm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Gm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape *weights : TorchTensor weights for Fm and Gm in that order {Fm_w1, ... Fm_wn, Gm_w1, ... Gm_wn} Note ---- All tensor/autograd variable input arguments and the output are TorchTensors for the scope of this fuction """ # check if possible to partition into two equally sized partitions assert(y.shape[1] % 2 == 0) # nosec # store partition size, Fm and Gm functions in context cty.Fm = Fm cty.Gm = Gm with torch.no_grad(): # partition in two equally sized set of channels y1, y2 = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) y1, y2 = y1.contiguous(), y2.contiguous() # compute outputs gmr = Gm.forward(y1) x2 = y2 - gmr y2.set_() del y2 fmr = Fm.forward(x2) x1 = y1 - fmr y1.set_() del y1 output =[x1, x2], dim=1) x1.set_() x2.set_() del x1, x2 # save the (empty) input and (non-empty) output variables cty.save_for_backward(, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(cty, grad_output): # pragma: no cover # retrieve weight references Fm, Gm = cty.Fm, cty.Gm # retrieve input and output references yin, output = cty.saved_tensors y = yin.detach() y1, y2 = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) FWeights = [p for p in Fm.parameters()] # partition output gradient also on channels assert grad_output.shape[1] % 2 == 0 # nosec with set_grad_enabled(True): # compute outputs building a sub-graph y2.requires_grad = True y1.requires_grad = True x2 = y2 - Gm.forward(y1) x1 = y1 - Fm.forward(x2) x =[x1, x2], dim=1) # perform full backward pass on graph... dd = torch.autograd.grad(x, (y2, y1 ) + tuple(Fm.parameters()) + tuple(Gm.parameters()), grad_output) FWgrads = dd[2:2+len(FWeights)] GWgrads = dd[2+len(FWeights):] grad_input =[dd[0], dd[1]], dim=1) return (grad_input, None, None) + FWgrads + GWgrads class AdditiveBlockFunction2(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, xin, Fm, Gm, *weights): """Forward pass computes: {x1, x2} = x y1 = x1 + Fm(x2) y2 = x2 + Gm(y1) output = {y1, y2} Parameters ---------- ctx : torch.autograd.Function The backward pass context object x : TorchTensor Input tensor. Must have channels (2nd dimension) that can be partitioned in two equal partitions Fm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Fm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape Gm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Gm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape *weights : TorchTensor weights for Fm and Gm in that order {Fm_w1, ... Fm_wn, Gm_w1, ... Gm_wn} Note ---- All tensor/autograd variable input arguments and the output are TorchTensors for the scope of this fuction """ # check if possible to partition into two equally sized partitions assert xin.shape[1] % 2 == 0 # nosec # store partition size, Fm and Gm functions in context ctx.Fm = Fm ctx.Gm = Gm with torch.no_grad(): # partition in two equally sized set of channels x = xin.detach() x1, x2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1) x1, x2 = x1.contiguous(), x2.contiguous() # compute outputs fmr = Fm.forward(x2) y1 = x1 + fmr x1.set_() del x1 gmr = Gm.forward(y1) y2 = x2 + gmr x2.set_() del x2 output =[y1, y2], dim=1).detach_() # save the input and output variables ctx.save_for_backward(x, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # pragma: no cover Fm, Gm = ctx.Fm, ctx.Gm # are all variable objects now x, output = ctx.saved_tensors with torch.no_grad(): y1, y2 = torch.chunk(output, 2, dim=1) y1, y2 = y1.contiguous(), y2.contiguous() # partition output gradient also on channels assert(grad_output.shape[1] % 2 == 0) # nosec y1_grad, y2_grad = torch.chunk(grad_output, 2, dim=1) y1_grad, y2_grad = y1_grad.contiguous(), y2_grad.contiguous() # Recreate computation graphs for functions Gm and Fm with gradient collecting leaf nodes: # z1_stop, x2_stop, GW, FW # Also recompute inputs (x1, x2) from outputs (y1, y2) with set_grad_enabled(True): z1_stop = y1.detach() z1_stop.requires_grad = True G_z1 = Gm.forward(z1_stop) x2 = y2 - G_z1 x2_stop = x2.detach() x2_stop.requires_grad = True F_x2 = Fm.forward(x2_stop) x1 = y1 - F_x2 x1_stop = x1.detach() x1_stop.requires_grad = True # compute outputs building a sub-graph y1 = x1_stop + F_x2 y2 = x2_stop + G_z1 # calculate the final gradients for the weights and inputs dd = torch.autograd.grad(y2, (z1_stop,) + tuple(Gm.parameters()), y2_grad, retain_graph=False) z1_grad = dd[0] + y1_grad GWgrads = dd[1:] dd = torch.autograd.grad(y1, (x1_stop, x2_stop) + tuple(Fm.parameters()), z1_grad, retain_graph=False) FWgrads = dd[2:] x2_grad = dd[1] + y2_grad x1_grad = dd[0] grad_input =[x1_grad, x2_grad], dim=1) return (grad_input, None, None) + FWgrads + GWgrads class AdditiveBlockInverseFunction2(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(cty, y, Fm, Gm, *weights): """Forward pass computes: {y1, y2} = y x2 = y2 - Gm(y1) x1 = y1 - Fm(x2) output = {x1, x2} Parameters ---------- cty : torch.autograd.Function The backward pass context object y : TorchTensor Input tensor. Must have channels (2nd dimension) that can be partitioned in two equal partitions Fm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Fm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape Gm : nn.Module Module to use for computation, must retain dimensions such that Gm(X)=Y, X.shape == Y.shape *weights : TorchTensor weights for Fm and Gm in that order {Fm_w1, ... Fm_wn, Gm_w1, ... Gm_wn} Note ---- All tensor/autograd variable input arguments and the output are TorchTensors for the scope of this fuction """ # check if possible to partition into two equally sized partitions assert(y.shape[1] % 2 == 0) # nosec # store partition size, Fm and Gm functions in context cty.Fm = Fm cty.Gm = Gm with torch.no_grad(): # partition in two equally sized set of channels y1, y2 = torch.chunk(y, 2, dim=1) y1, y2 = y1.contiguous(), y2.contiguous() # compute outputs gmr = Gm.forward(y1) x2 = y2 - gmr y2.set_() del y2 fmr = Fm.forward(x2) x1 = y1 - fmr y1.set_() del y1 output =[x1, x2], dim=1).detach_() # save the input and output variables cty.save_for_backward(y, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(cty, grad_output): # pragma: no cover Fm, Gm = cty.Fm, cty.Gm # are all variable objects now y, output = cty.saved_tensors with torch.no_grad(): x1, x2 = torch.chunk(output, 2, dim=1) x1, x2 = x1.contiguous(), x2.contiguous() # partition output gradient also on channels assert(grad_output.shape[1] % 2 == 0) # nosec x1_grad, x2_grad = torch.chunk(grad_output, 2, dim=1) x1_grad, x2_grad = x1_grad.contiguous(), x2_grad.contiguous() # Recreate computation graphs for functions Gm and Fm with gradient collecting leaf nodes: # z1_stop, y1_stop, GW, FW # Also recompute inputs (y1, y2) from outputs (x1, x2) with set_grad_enabled(True): z1_stop = x2.detach() z1_stop.requires_grad = True F_z1 = Fm.forward(z1_stop) y1 = x1 + F_z1 y1_stop = y1.detach() y1_stop.requires_grad = True G_y1 = Gm.forward(y1_stop) y2 = x2 + G_y1 y2_stop = y2.detach() y2_stop.requires_grad = True # compute outputs building a sub-graph z1 = y2_stop - G_y1 x1 = y1_stop - F_z1 x2 = z1 # calculate the final gradients for the weights and inputs dd = torch.autograd.grad(x1, (z1_stop,) + tuple(Fm.parameters()), x1_grad) z1_grad = dd[0] + x2_grad FWgrads = dd[1:] dd = torch.autograd.grad(x2, (y2_stop, y1_stop) + tuple(Gm.parameters()), z1_grad, retain_graph=False) GWgrads = dd[2:] y1_grad = dd[1] + x1_grad y2_grad = dd[0] grad_input =[y1_grad, y2_grad], dim=1) return (grad_input, None, None) + FWgrads + GWgrads